2016.10-2019.11 工学博士,材料化学与物理,索邦大学(皮埃尔玛丽居里大学、巴黎6大、法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS))
2011.09-2014.07 理学硕士,物理化学,上海大学
2008.09-2011.07 工学学士,计算机科学与技术,广西大学
2007.09-2011.07 理学学士,化学,广西大学
2023.11-至今,ELSEVIER杂志社《Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications》杂志编委
2020.10-2021.10,research fellow,南洋理工大学,新加坡
1. 生物基高分子自组装
4. 林源生物基功能聚合物
6. 可控自由基聚合
1. Yun Liu, Sheng Wang, Jidong Dong, Pengfei Huo, Dawei Zhang*, Shuaiyuan Han*, Jie Yang*, Zaixing Jiang*,External Stimuli-Induced Welding of Dynamic Cross-Linked Polymer Networks,Polymers,16,2024,621(IF: 5.0).
2. Zunchang Gao, Yanqing Wei, Xin Tian, Yang Liu, Xin Lan, Dawei Zhang*, Shuaiyuan Han*, Pengfei Huo*,A novel Ce/Fe bimetallic metal-organic framework with ortho-dodecahedral multilevel structure for enhanced phosphate adsorption,Chemical Engineering Journal,485, 2024, 150284 (IF:15.1).
1. Jialin Jian, Yu Zhou, Jiaqi Su, Zhenhua Gao*, Shuangying Wei*, Shuaiyuan Han*,Supramolecular adhesive materials based on urea assembly,Chemical Engineering Journal,48 0, 2024, 148061 (IF:15.1).
2. Na Luo, Jian Wang, Dawei Zhang, Yize Zhao, Yanqing Wei, Yang Liu, Yanhua Zhang, Shuaiyuan Han*, Xianzhi Kong*, Pengfei Huo*, Inorganic nanoparticle-enhanced double-network hydrogel electrolytes for supercapacitor with superior low-temperature adaptability, Chemical Engineering Journal, 479, 2024, 147741 (IF:15.1).
3. Kang Chen, Haoxin Zhu, Zhiyi Zhang, Yingqing Shao, Qianhui Yu, Xinlei Cao, Siyan Pan, Xin Mu, Zhenhua Gao*, Di Wang, Shuangying Wei*, Shuaiyuan Han*, Self-healing polyurethane coatings based on dynamic chemical bond synergy under conditions of photothermal response, Chemical Engineering Journal, 474, 2024, 145811 (IF:15.1).
4. MiaoMiao Yu, Ningge Xu, Xu-Min Cai, Heng Liu, Shuaiyuan Han*, Fabiao Yu*, Weiwei Fang*, Macroscopic and fluorescence detection of reactive oxygen species by using a glucose-linked tetraphenylethylene polymer gel, New Journal of Chemistry, 47(18), 2023, 8484-8488. (IF: 3.3)
1. Shuaiyuan Han, Yichao Zheng, Jit Sarkar, Hiroshi Niino, Shunsuke Chatani*, Atsushi Goto*,Reversible Complexation Mediated Living Radical Polymerization Using Tetraalkylammonium Chloride Catalysts,Macromolecular Rapid Communications,43(21), 2022, 2200468. (IF: 5.0 )
2. Bo Fan, Yufei Kan, Bingbing Chen, Shuaiyuan Han*, Zhenhua Gao*, A soybean adhesive with excellent hygrothermal resistance and enhanced mildew resistance via optimal synthesis of polyamidoamine–epichlorohydrin resin, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 118, 2022, 103197. (IF: 3.8)
1. S.Y. Han, S. Pensec, C. Lorthioir, J. Jestin, J. M. Guigner, J. Rieger, F. Stoffelbach, E. Nicol, O. Colombani*, L. Bouteiller1*, Straightforward preparation of Supramolecular Janus nanorods by hydrogen bonding of end-functionalized polymers, Nature Communications , 11, 4760 (2020)
2. S.Y. Han, G. Mellot, E. Nicol, O. Colombani, *, S. Pensec, L. Bouteiller*,, Crucial Role of the Spacer in Tuning the Length of Self-Assembled Nanorods. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 1, 427-433
3. S.Y. Han, E. Nicol, F. Niepceron, O. Colombani, *, S. Pensec, L. Bouteiller*,, Oligo-urea with no alkylene unit self-assembles into rod-like objects in water. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2018, 1800698
4. S.Y. Han, X.M. Wang, Q.Y. Guo, Y.W. Li, W.B. Zhang*, Janus POSS Based on Mixed [2:6] Octakis-adduct Regio-isomers. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016. 22(18), 6397-6403.
5. S.Y. Han, B.H. Yue*, L.M. Yan*, Improving the Performances of Poly(vinylphosphonic acid) by Compositing or Copolymerization with Poly(4-(α-methyl)vinyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole). Electrochimica Acta 138 (2014) 256–263
6. S.Y. Han, B.H. Yue*, L.M. Yan*, Progress in the Development of High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membranes Based on Phosphonic Acid Group. Acta Phys-Chim Sin, 30 (2014) 8-21.
7. B.H. Yue *, L.M. Yan *, S.Y. Han , and L.Q. Xie, Proton Transport Pathways in an Acid−Base Complex Consisting of a Phosphonic Acid Group and a 1,2,3-Triazolyl Group. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013. 117(26): p. 7941-7949.
8. S.Y. Han, Y.C. Zheng, J. Sarkar, H. Niino, S. Chatani, S.Y. Hsu, A. Goto*, Reversible Complexation Mediated Living Radical Polymerization (RCMP) Using Tetraalkylammonium Chloride Catalysts,Macromolecular Rapid Communications:2200468.
9. S.Y. Han, E. Nicol, F. Niepceron, O. Colombani, *, S. Pensec, L. Bouteiller*,, The synthesis and characterization of water soluble and thermally responsive nano-rods, (Macromolecules under review)
10. Y Shao, S Han, S Yang, WB Zhang*, Synthesis, characterization, and self-assembly of a POSS-based Janus molecular particle. SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica, 2020
11. Y. Shao, X. Xian, G.Z. Yin, S. Y. Han, D. Han, Q. Fu, S.G. Yang, W.B. Zhang*, Symmetry-Dictated Mesophase Formation and Phase Diagram of Perfluorinated Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes. Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 6, p 2361-2370.
12. Y. Shao, H. Yin, X. M. Wang, S. Y. Han, X. Yan, J. Xu, ... & W.B. Zhang*, Mixed [2: 6] hetero-arm star polymers based on Janus POSS with precisely defined arm distribution. Polymer Chemistry, 2016. 7(13): p. 2381-2388.
13. W.B. Zhang*, X.M. Wang, X.W. Wang, D. Liu, S.Y. Han, S. Z. D. Cheng *, Giant Molecules Based on Nano-Atoms. Progress in Chemistry, 2015, 27(10): p. 1333-1342.
14. X.M. Wang, Q.Y. Guo, S.Y. Han, J.Y.Wang, D. Han, Q. Fu, W.B. Zhang*, Stochastic/Controlled Symmetry Breaking of the T8-POSS Cages toward Multifunctional Regioisomeric Nanobuilding Blocks. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015. 21(43): p. 15246-15255.
15. Y.P. Zhang, B.H. Yue*, S.Y. Han, L.M. Yan*, Synergetic Proton Conducting Effect in Acid-Base Composite of Phosphonic Acid Functionalized Polystyrene and Triazolyl Functionalized Polystyrene. RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 33702-33712
16. L.Q. Xie, H.T. Liu, S.Y. Han, B.H. Yue, L.M. Yan*, Hydrogen Bond and Proton Transport in Acid-Base Complexes and Amphoteric Molecules by Density Functional Theory Calculations and 1H NMR and 31P NMR . Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 (2013) 16345-16355.
17. S.Q. Di, L.M. Yan*, S.Y. Han, B.H. Yue*, Q.X. Feng, L.Q. Xie, J. Chen, D.F. Zhang, C. Sun, Enhancing the high-temperature proton conductivity of phosphoric acid doped poly(2,5-benzimidazole) by preblending boron phosphate nanoparticles to the raw materials. Journal of Power Sources, 2012. 211: p. 161-168.
18. F. Wang*, H.Q. Wu, Z.T. Lin, S.Y. Han, D. Wang, Y. Xue, Y.L. Sun, J. Sun, B. Li, Shape evolution of Cu-doped Mn3O4 spinel microcrystals: influence of copper content. Materials Research Bulletin, 2010. 45(11): p. 1567-1573.
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