Likun Gao
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China 150040
Professional/Academic Appointments
Mar.2021 -- Present Professor Northeast Forestry University
Research Interests
(1)Wood nanogenerator: wood piezoelectric nanogenerator, wood triboelectric nanogenerator, and cellulose-based nanogenerator;
(2)Electrocatalytic wood: novel wood-based single atom electrocatalysts for water splitting;
(3)Multi-functional self-healing wood-based materials: photothermal-responded self-healing, multi-functional including: anti-icing, anti-freezing, photothermal response, sensing, catalysis, etc.
Sep. 2014 -- Jun. 2020
Ph.D. inWood Science and Technology, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China
Sep. 2018 -- Aug. 2020
Visiting Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Sep. 2010 -- Jun. 2014
B.S. in Wood Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China
Awards and Scholarships
(1) Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2023)
(2) Natural Science Funding of Heilong Jiang Province for Excellent Young Scholar (2022)
3 books chapters; 5 patents; 36 papers in refereed journals, including 1 paper inChem. Soc. Rev.,1 paper inP. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,1 paper inEnergy Environ. Sci.,2 papers inAdv. Funct. Mater.,1 paper inNano Energy,and 3 papers inJ. Mater. Chem. A.5 papers were featured as the Cover of journals, 1 paper was featured as Hot Paper, 6 papers were featured as ESI Highly Cited Paper.
Published Books and Book Chapters
(1)X. Cui,L. Gao, Y Yang, Z. Lin, “Heteroatom-doped graphene-based electrocatalysts for ORR, OER, and HER” in the book entitled “Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis”,Elsevier(UK), 2021.
(2) J. Li, Q. Sun, C. Wang, W. Li,L. Gao, W. Gan, “Functional photocatalytic materials” in the book entitled “Introduction to Wood Bionic Intelligence Science”,China Sciences Press(China), 2018.
(3) J. Li, S. Li, Z. Chen,L. Gao, W. Gan, “Intelligent response of wood” in the book entitled “Wood Protection Science”,China Sciences Press(China), 2021.
Representative Publications
(1)X. Li,L. Gao*, M. Wang, D. Lv, P. He, Y. Xie, X. Zhan*, J. Li, Z. Lin*, “Recent development and emerging applications of robust biomimetic superhydrophobic wood”,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 6772-6795.
(2)L. Gao,X. Cui, C. D Sewell, J. Li, Z. Lin*, “Recent advances in activating surface reconstruction for the high-efficiency oxygen evolution reaction”,Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021,50, 8428-8469.
(3)L. Gao,X. Cui, Z. Wang, C. D Sewell, Z. Li, S. Liang, M. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Lin*, “Operando unraveling photothermal-promoted dynamic active-sites generation in NiFe2O4for markedly enhanced oxygen evolution”,P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2021,118(7), e2023421118.
(4)X. Cui,L. Gao, S. Lei, S. Liang, J. Zhang, C. D. Sewell, Q. Liu, Z. Lin,* and Yingkui Yang*, “Simultaneously crafting single-atomic Fe sites and graphitic layer-wrapped Fe3C nanoparticles encapsulated within mesoporous carbon tubes for oxygen reduction”,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021,31, 2009197.
(5) X Cui*,L Gao, R Ma, Z Wei, CH Lu, Z Li, Y Yang*, “Pyrolysis-free covalent organic framework-based materials for efficient oxygen electrocatalysis”,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D1TA02795F.
(6) X. Cui, Y. Chen, M. Zhang, Y. W. Harn, J. Qi,L. Gao, Z. L. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Yang*, and Z. Lin*, “Tailoring carrier dynamics in perovskite solar cells via precise dimension and architecture control and interfacial positioning of plasmonic nanoparticles”,Energy Environ. Sci., 2020,13, 1743-1752.
(7) X. Cui, S. Lei, A. C. Wang,L. Gao, Q. Zhang, Y. Yang*, and Z. Lin*, “Emerging covalent organic frameworks tailored materials for electrocatalysis”,Nano Energy, 2020,70, 104525.
(8)W. Gan, L. Wu, Y. Wang, H. Gao,L. Gao, S. Xiao, J. Liu, Y. Xie*, T. Li*, J. Li*, “Carbonized wood decorated with cobalt-nickel binary nanoparticles as a low-cost and efficient electrode for water splitting”,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021,31, 2010951.
(9) C. D Sewell, Z. Wang, Y.-W. Harn, S. Liang,L. Gao, X. Cui, Z. Lin*, “Tailoring oxygen evolution reaction activity of metal-oxide spinel nanoparticles via judiciously regulating surface-capping polymers”,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D1TA04511C.
(10)L Gao, W Gan, Z Qiu, G Cao, X Zhan, T Qiang, J Li*, “Biomorphic carbon-doped TiO2for photocatalytic gas sensing with continuous detection of persistent volatile organic compounds”,ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018,1(4), 1766–1775.
(11)L. Gao, W. Gan, G. Cao, X. Zhan*, T. Qiang*, J. Li*, “Visible-light activate Ag/WO3films based on wood with enhanced negative oxygen ions production properties”,Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017,425, 889-895.